Introduction The commonly used anti-corrosion and anti-rust primer for steel structure corrosion prevention is an epoxy zn-rich primer with cathodic protection effect. Farba má nielen silnú schopnosť pripevnenia povrchu ...
Úvod do výstavby, dekorácie domácnosti a mnoho priemyselných polí, farieb a povlakov zohrávajú nevyhnutnú úlohu. Od vyrezávaných lúčov starovekých budov až po módne steny moderných domov, od jasnej farby C ...
Fluorocarbon paint With the rapid development of science and technology, fluorocarbon coating in the construction industry are also developing rapidly, and many products have achieved remarkable results. Fluorokarbónový povlak je ID ...
Anti-rust paint Anti-rust paint is a kind of substance that plays the role of anti-rust, prevents metal corrosion and improves the protective effect of paint film on metal surface. Úlohu protiúravej farby možno rozdeliť na dve ...
Floor Coating Floor paint is called floor paint in the floor industry, and some people call it floor paint, but in fact, it is the same thing, only the name is different, mainly composed of epoxy resin, pigment, curing agent, filler . ..